Flutter News


At flutter.news, our mission is to provide the latest and most comprehensive news and information about Flutter, the open-source framework for creating mobile applications. We strive to keep our readers up-to-date with the latest developments in Flutter, including frameworks, widgets, packages, techniques, and software. Our goal is to be the go-to source for all things Flutter, providing valuable insights and resources to help developers create amazing mobile apps.

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Flutter is a mobile application development framework that allows developers to create high-performance, visually appealing, and interactive mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. Flutter is an open-source framework developed by Google and has gained immense popularity in recent years due to its ease of use, flexibility, and powerful features. This cheat sheet is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know to get started with Flutter development.

Flutter Frameworks

Flutter has a wide range of frameworks that developers can use to build mobile applications. Some of the most popular frameworks include:

  1. Flutter SDK - The Flutter SDK is the core framework that provides the building blocks for creating mobile applications. It includes a rich set of widgets, tools, and libraries that make it easy to build high-quality mobile applications.

  2. FlutterFire - FlutterFire is a set of plugins that allow developers to integrate Firebase services into their Flutter applications. Firebase is a cloud-based platform that provides a range of services, including authentication, real-time database, and cloud storage.

  3. Flutter Redux - Flutter Redux is a state management library that allows developers to manage the state of their Flutter applications. It provides a predictable and centralized way of managing the state of an application, making it easier to debug and maintain.

  4. Flutter Bloc - Flutter Bloc is another state management library that provides a more granular way of managing the state of an application. It uses the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern to separate the presentation layer from the business logic layer.

  5. Flutter Provider - Flutter Provider is a dependency injection library that allows developers to manage the dependencies of their Flutter applications. It provides a simple and flexible way of managing dependencies, making it easier to test and maintain the application.

Flutter Widgets

Flutter widgets are the building blocks of a Flutter application. They are the visual elements that make up the user interface of an application. Flutter provides a rich set of widgets that developers can use to create visually appealing and interactive mobile applications. Some of the most popular widgets include:

  1. Text Widget - The Text widget is used to display text on the screen. It supports a wide range of fonts, styles, and colors, making it easy to create visually appealing text.

  2. Image Widget - The Image widget is used to display images on the screen. It supports a wide range of image formats, including PNG, JPEG, and GIF.

  3. Container Widget - The Container widget is used to create a rectangular box that can be used to hold other widgets. It supports a wide range of properties, including padding, margin, and decoration.

  4. ListView Widget - The ListView widget is used to display a list of items on the screen. It supports both horizontal and vertical scrolling and can be customized to display different types of items.

  5. GridView Widget - The GridView widget is used to display a grid of items on the screen. It supports both fixed and dynamic grid sizes and can be customized to display different types of items.

Flutter Packages

Flutter packages are pre-built libraries that developers can use to add additional functionality to their Flutter applications. There are thousands of Flutter packages available, covering a wide range of functionality. Some of the most popular packages include:

  1. Flutter Material - Flutter Material is a package that provides a set of pre-built widgets and styles that follow the Material Design guidelines. It makes it easy to create visually appealing and consistent mobile applications.

  2. Flutter Cupertino - Flutter Cupertino is a package that provides a set of pre-built widgets and styles that follow the iOS design guidelines. It makes it easy to create visually appealing and consistent iOS-style mobile applications.

  3. Flutter Animation - Flutter Animation is a package that provides a set of pre-built animations that can be used to add visual effects to a Flutter application. It includes animations for both simple and complex interactions.

  4. Flutter WebView - Flutter WebView is a package that provides a WebView widget that can be used to display web content within a Flutter application. It supports a wide range of web technologies, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  5. Flutter Localizations - Flutter Localizations is a package that provides a set of pre-built translations for a wide range of languages. It makes it easy to create multilingual mobile applications.

Flutter Techniques

Flutter provides a wide range of techniques that developers can use to create high-performance and visually appealing mobile applications. Some of the most popular techniques include:

  1. State Management - State management is the process of managing the state of an application. Flutter provides a range of state management libraries, including Flutter Redux, Flutter Bloc, and Flutter Provider.

  2. Widget Composition - Widget composition is the process of combining multiple widgets to create a more complex widget. Flutter provides a range of widgets that can be combined to create complex user interfaces.

  3. Animation - Animation is the process of adding visual effects to a Flutter application. Flutter provides a range of pre-built animations that can be used to add visual effects to an application.

  4. Layout - Layout is the process of arranging widgets on the screen. Flutter provides a range of layout widgets, including Row, Column, and Stack, that can be used to create complex layouts.

  5. Navigation - Navigation is the process of moving between different screens within a Flutter application. Flutter provides a range of navigation widgets, including Navigator and TabBar, that can be used to create complex navigation flows.

Flutter Software

Flutter development requires a range of software tools and technologies. Some of the most important software tools and technologies include:

  1. Flutter SDK - The Flutter SDK is the core software tool that is required for Flutter development. It includes a range of tools and libraries that make it easy to build high-quality mobile applications.

  2. Android Studio - Android Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that is used for Android development. It includes a range of tools and features that make it easy to develop, test, and deploy Android applications.

  3. Xcode - Xcode is an IDE that is used for iOS development. It includes a range of tools and features that make it easy to develop, test, and deploy iOS applications.

  4. Visual Studio Code - Visual Studio Code is a lightweight IDE that is used for Flutter development. It includes a range of tools and features that make it easy to develop, test, and deploy Flutter applications.

  5. Firebase - Firebase is a cloud-based platform that provides a range of services, including authentication, real-time database, and cloud storage. It can be integrated into a Flutter application using the FlutterFire package.


Flutter is a powerful and flexible mobile application development framework that allows developers to create high-performance and visually appealing mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. This cheat sheet provides a comprehensive overview of everything you need to know to get started with Flutter development, including frameworks, widgets, packages, techniques, and software. With this cheat sheet, you will be well-equipped to start building your own Flutter applications.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Flutter: A mobile application development framework created by Google.
2. Dart: A programming language used to develop Flutter applications.
3. Widget: A building block of a Flutter application that represents a part of the user interface.
4. Package: A collection of code that can be used to add functionality to a Flutter application.
5. Stateful widget: A widget that can change its state over time.
6. Stateless widget: A widget that does not change its state over time.
7. Hot reload: A feature in Flutter that allows developers to see changes in their code immediately.
8. Material design: A design language created by Google that is used in many Flutter applications.
9. Cupertino design: A design language created by Apple that is used in some Flutter applications.
10. Layout: The way widgets are arranged on the screen.
11. Container: A widget that can hold other widgets and apply styling to them.
12. Row: A widget that arranges its children horizontally.
13. Column: A widget that arranges its children vertically.
14. Stack: A widget that overlays its children on top of each other.
15. Scaffold: A widget that provides a basic layout for a Flutter application.
16. AppBar: A widget that provides a navigation bar at the top of the screen.
17. BottomNavigationBar: A widget that provides a navigation bar at the bottom of the screen.
18. ListView: A widget that displays a scrollable list of items.
19. GridView: A widget that displays a grid of items.
20. Card: A widget that displays content in a card-like format.

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